Unless you live under a rock, you've probably seen
Mother Jones' article exposing Mitt Romney's remarks at a private fundraiser for millionaire donors.
The remarks about taxes is particularly upsetting. Here's what he said to his wealthy donors, most (if not all) of whom pay a much lower rate in taxes than their employees thanks to a lower capitol gains tax or fancy-footed accountants:
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax."
This shouldn't be surprising to those who follow the national conversation on taxes: conservatives often try to paint a pitiful picture of victimized millionaires while demonizing the people they take advantage of.
But with these comments on the national stage, what does this mean for TFT, our mission, our members, and the way we think about taxes both statewide and nationally? Here are three things we can take from Mitt Romney's public comments against progressive taxation:
1.) In an election year,
support from members is needed more than ever in order to combat the harsher-than-usual rhetoric from the right.
Op-eds, Letters to the editor, donations, volunteer work, calls to state lawmakers calling for progressive taxation are all necessary steps on the path to providing well-funded programs to lift others out of poverty, but in 2012, with the 1% on high alert, your support is needed more than ever. We live in a very conservative state, so it's crucial that your senators and representatives know your stance on the poor paying a higher percentage of state taxes than the wealthy.
Health Care, Food, and Housing are not seen as human rights to the right.
Romney specifically mentioned these three things as "entitlements." These three are also specifically mentioned in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If the wealthy are eager to deny Americans even the most essential services, we must realize that the moral fabric of the nation is in need of repair and serve as an example to remedy it. This includes working harder than ever to take the tax off food in Tennessee.
We must be on alert for more of these kinds of attacks on the common man.
Again, it's an election year, and that means issues are polarized and attacks against the poor and middle class are nastier than usual. Tennessee lawmakers say things like this all the time. If you see something that shocks you, speak up! Tell us, tell your local newspaper, post on your Facebook page and ours, and help us rally our members against these unfair attacks.
Our Annual Meeting for Members is coming up on September 29. We need your support in order to fight these attacks and more in Tennessee.
Register today by clicking the link on our homepage or email
megan@fairtaxation.org to inquire about other ways to help.