Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Legislature approval ratings tumble Poll: Fewer than half of Tennesseans view lawmakers favorably

Not surprising, but still glad to see that Tennesseans are getting fed up!

Support for the state Legislature has plummeted 20 percentage points since January, according to a Vanderbilt University poll, and the cause appears to be controversial votes like the Republican-led fight to remake Tennessee's laws on teachers unions.
Five months ago, state lawmakers were viewed favorably by nearly two-thirds of Tennesseans. Now, not even half say they approve of the job the GOP-controlled Legislature is doing.
The decline suggests the honeymoon period that began when Republicans swept into office last November has ended.

Click here to read the full story in the Tennessean 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Death By Budget Cut

This article from details the devastating real-life impacts of state and local budget cuts. Tennessee's recurring budget shortfalls have been with us even in times of national prosperity, and the underlying cause is our regressive tax structure that maintains wealth disparities and is structurally designed so there is never adequate revenue to fund our vital public structures. That's great for those who think privatization is the solution, but I would much prefer to have the services and benefits we all enjoy from our tax dollars provided by our government that is accountable to us all.

An excerpt:

Politicians, the media and the power elite tell us that state and local government budget shortfalls are the result of lavish compensation packages paid to teachers, police officers and firefighters along with "entitlements" such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. The truth is that the economic crisis, sparked by decades of deregulation and greedy financial firms, caused high levels of unemployment that dramatically reduced state and local tax revenues. Add to that years of tax cuts for the wealthy and decades of corporate tax-dodging, and you've got yourself a budget crisis.

Conservatives clearly intend to exploit budget crises to starve government. And some Democratic politicians are also cutting services to balance their budgets. In their quest to render government incapable of providing for its citizens, conservatives, with the help of their fellow acquiescing Democrats, are exacting an irreversible and deadly toll that has gone largely ignored by the mainstream press. So it is up to us to bring attention to the disastrous consequences austerity has wrought.

To read more: