Well, if you guessed any of the above you would be wrong, dead wrong. See according to Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum, the #1 crisis facing America is OBAMACARE. *Gasp!* Yes, that's right folks, access to affordable healthcare is threatening America.
I know, take a minute to regroup and prepare yourself for the second most pressing problem facing America. (Maybe sit down or hold someone's hand for support before you continue reading.)
The number TWO problem facing our great nation according to the great Rush Limbaugh is young, single, over-educated white women. Oh my! What are Americans to do in light of such heinous horrors bearing down on us? Perhaps Santorum and Limbaugh will form a charity to offer free lobotomies to all these snooty single women? One can only hope!
Certainly, I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek about all of this, but honestly these two fellows are just plain sad. Obviously there are many important issues that America needs to tackle without inventing problems and realities.
Now, I know that this blog is Tennessee- centric, but I bring these issues up here because A, Tennessee went Santorum in the primaries and B, Limbaugh is without reproach to too many of our state's residents and political leaders.
Tennessee's state legislature is the most obvious demonstration of bizarro-land ideas. During a time when Tennessee faces record deficits, huge job losses, increasing crime rates, high rates of poverty and homelessness (particularly among children and elderly), Tennessee legislators chose to deal with OTHER non-reality issues. I offer the following as examples of Tenneessee's nuttery:
- Bill passed to allow guns in parks and bars. - (Uh, that's creating a problem NOT solving one.)
- Proposal to create a TN State currency - (in case we decide to secede again?).
- Bill proposed and passed 1st round of voting to ban an Income tax in TN. - (Smart! Ban the ONLY remedy for the state's perpetual budget deficits.)
- Ban teachers from discussing GAY, ever in any context at school. - (Ugh, barf, bigotry.)
Meanwhile legislation that would actually solve real problems gets shot down or never makes it out of committee. Priorities people!
My point in all of this is to highlight the absurdity of what is really going on here. Obviously, access to quality healthcare and an educated citizenry are good things that should be supported by everyone. There are real problems facing this country and this state and it would be nice if our political leaders in Tennessee would tackle them instead of inventing new ones.